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PO Reconciliation & Modification Status

by Matthew Guseman, on 10/4/21 9:30 AM

Hey everyone. Today we are talking about the two modified states, the buyer the supplier. As a supplier, matt-CircleCropwhen you change an order, whether to update quantities or cost, the PO then goes into a Supplier Modified status. At this point, nothing further is needed from the supplier as you are waiting on the buyer to approve and acknowledge the changes. More importantly, the buyer's modified status will need to acknowledge changes the buyer has made. 

  1. When your buyer modifies an order, you will receive an email notification from Procurant indicating a modification made. If you are not receiving notifications, contact Procurant Support to walk you through setting up notifications.
  2. Navigate to that order. The order status will show Modified in Orange.
  3. Review all changes.
  4. Under the actions drop-down, select Acknowledge.
  5. Finally, select Submit Order to save the changes and update the status of the PO.


Happy modifying! 

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