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Support Experience

by Matthew Guseman, on 10/11/21 3:10 PM

Hi everyone. Here at Procurant, we highly value our customers' matt-CircleCropexperience and strive for continual growth, usability, and feature sets that add the most value. One of the most effective ways to gather customer sentiment and valuable information is through a customer survey!  Procurant recently created a short customer survey. Additionally, it is anonymous and has a section specifically for ideas and enhancement requests.  The customer survey can easily be found in the signatures of our support team as well.


Thank you for your feedback!



What's the Hubbub?

Welcome to the Procurant Supplier Hubbub, a blog and discussion forum for suppliers using the Procurant One platform. A "Hubbub" is an old term for a busy, noisy situation, which seemed appropriate for these times.

Over time we will post news, tips and product-specific information on this site. Our intent is to build a community where you can also learn, contribute, share your questions and perspectives, and generally add to the overall "hubbub" around this space.

Thanks, and let the Hubbub begin!

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