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by Matthew Guseman, on 10/18/21 10:16 AM

Happy Monday! Here at Procurant, we are always looking to improve usability and customer satisfaction. This week I wanted to point out a new feature enhancement that will help find …

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by Kevin Brooks, on 10/11/21 3:36 PM

One of the requests we often hear from new users is to have a flowchart or diagram of the process for managing an order. This isn't quite as easy as …

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by Matthew Guseman, on 10/11/21 3:10 PM

Hi everyone. Here at Procurant, we highly value our customers' experience and strive for continual growth, usability, and feature sets that add the most value. One of the most effective …

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by Matthew Guseman, on 10/4/21 9:30 AM

Hey everyone. Today we are talking about the two modified states, the buyer the supplier. As a supplier, when you change an order, whether to update quantities or cost, the …

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What's the Hubbub?

Welcome to the Procurant Supplier Hubbub, a blog and discussion forum for suppliers using the Procurant One platform. A "Hubbub" is an old term for a busy, noisy situation, which seemed appropriate for these times.

Over time we will post news, tips and product-specific information on this site. Our intent is to build a community where you can also learn, contribute, share your questions and perspectives, and generally add to the overall "hubbub" around this space.

Thanks, and let the Hubbub begin!

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