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Managing Notifications

by Matthew Guseman, on 9/27/21 2:29 PM

Hi everyone. In the busy times that we live in, when we are always on the move, a simple notificationmatt-CircleCrop can go a long way. One feature that Procurant One has includes email notifications for all the different status changes that a supplier needs to properly manage their orders.

  1.  Log into the Procurant One Platform and select Supplier.
  2. Click on the Preferences module.
  3. Select Manage Notifications.
  4. Enable all the needed email notifications by checking off the boxes and clicking on the Submit button.

Here's what it looks like on the screen:


With notifications enabled you can see when new orders arrive, or modifications that need to be acknowledged, without having to continually log into the Procurant One platform. It is important to note that notifications are setup per user, but if needed you can always send copies to additional people.

See you next week!

Topics:Account SetupMattributes


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