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How to Submit a Charge

by Matthew Guseman, on 2/28/22 10:23 AM

Hi everyone. Today I wanted to touch on charges aPROCURANT-LOGO-500wnd how to submit them briefly. Since retailers deal with charges differently, first verify with your buyer how charges need to be added to a PO. The first method of adding a charge is via a line item on the PO. This method requires the charge to be approved and added as a line item by your retailer. The second method utilizes the built-in charge function, which I will be covering today. To submit a charge, you must first have the charge created and mapped to your retailer - If assistance is needed for this process, reach out to our support team.

  1. First, you will need to navigate to the Supplier application of Procurant.
  2. Click on the Orders module on the blue modules column.
  3. Click on the order number that you would like to modify. For this example, we will select order number P465.
  4. On the order detail screen, the new charge action is located on the action's column, if you put the mouse over the stack coins icon, it will say view charges, click on the icon.
  5. To add the charge, select the correct charge you would like to add and the corresponding price to the charge. When done, click the Submit button.


The new charges cost will appear at the Price Breakdown section in the order detail screen. 

Have a great week!



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