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Changing Your Net Terms

by Matthew Guseman, on 1/11/22 10:37 AM

Hi Everyone. This week we will be talking about changing your net terms. Your defined matt-CircleCropnet terms determine how long it takes you to receive payment after sending your invoice. Please note that you should only use the net terms negotiated with your retailer to ensure no delays or concerns with processing your invoices. Below I have listed the steps to access and update your net terms if needed!

  1. Sign in to your Procurant One account and select the Admin application1.11.22image[21]
  2. Next, navigate to the Terms & Charges module on the blue column of your Admin screen.
  3. Finally, select the payment term you will be using and update as needed. Just use the little pencil icon under the actions column, and don't forget to save your changes!



See you next week!



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