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What to do with those modified orders?

by Matthew Guseman, on 11/22/21 9:47 AM

Hi Everybody. Today I wanted to talk about orders that are sitting in a modified status. If an order is modified bymatt-CircleCrop either a buyer or a supplier, the other party needs acknowledgment. It is easy to identify whether the order was modified by a buyer or a supplier by the color of the modified status. An orange modified status indicates that the buyer made a change, and as a supplier, you will need to acknowledge the modification. A blue modified status means that you changed the PO as a supplier and are waiting for the buyer to acknowledge the change.  It is also important to note, that an order can be modified while in a new, acknowledged, and shipped status.

 If the modification status is orange, you will need to acknowledge and submit the order.


If the modification status is blue, no further action is required as the buyer will need to acknowledge the modifications.


Happy modifying!



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