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Supplier Hubbub / Release Notes (2)

by Namrata Duarah, on 6/13/22 8:29 AM

Suppliers can now view Missed Shipments in their Task Center. Orders that have a past ship date will be displayed in the Missed Shipments tab. The ‘All’ tab under SOs …

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Topics:ProcurantRelease Notes

by Namrata Duarah, on 6/7/22 8:29 AM

The new Procurant release allows the Catalog menu option to be enabled for any user within the company. The Catalog feature will no longer be restricted to company administrators. Users …

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Topics:Release NotesAccount Setup

by Namrata Duarah, on 5/23/22 9:10 AM

A new Sales Order Details report is added for suppliers. Using this report, users can pull order details based on the selected date range and buying company. Order information such …

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Topics:ProcurantRelease Notes

by Namrata Duarah, on 5/16/22 9:08 AM

A new validation is added to check for duplicate invoice numbers. An error message will be displayed if users enter an invoice number that already exists in the system …

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Topics:ProcurantRelease Notes

by Namrata Duarah, on 5/9/22 9:06 AM

Invoice Number and Invoice Status columns on the Order List. The Order List screen is updated to provide visibility to invoice related information. Two new columns are added to display …

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Topics:ProcurantRelease Notes

What's the Hubbub?

Welcome to the Procurant Supplier Hubbub, a blog and discussion forum for suppliers using the Procurant One platform. A "Hubbub" is an old term for a busy, noisy situation, which seemed appropriate for these times.

Over time we will post news, tips and product-specific information on this site. Our intent is to build a community where you can also learn, contribute, share your questions and perspectives, and generally add to the overall "hubbub" around this space.

Thanks, and let the Hubbub begin!

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